
  1. Install Wireless Wifi drivers on Sony Vaio CW on Linux Ubuntu

    Out of the box Ubuntu 9.10 wireless/wifi did not work on my Sony Vaio CW Series (VPCCW26FG), The following error message is shown on start up and on dmesg command.

    Could not read microcode: -2
    The solution was to install backports modules.

    Installing Wireless Drivers …

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  2. Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu 9.10

    Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu 9.10Google Chrome on Linux Ubuntu


    Click Here to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu. read on

  3. Changing the default Boot OS in GRUB on Ubuntu 9.10

    Ubuntu 9.10 ships with the new GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader 1.97 beta) in plain words its the software that boots the operating system you choose when you boot the computer. In earlier versions of Ubuntu / Grub to change the menu on the grub …

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