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Stackoverflow GitHub
  • Dell Inspiron Laptop 14R Windows Experience Index

    Dell Inspiron Laptop 14R Windows Experience Index

    Dell Inspiron 14R Windows Experience Index

    Component Details Subscore Base score
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz 6.6 5.5
      Determined by lowest subscore
    Memory (RAM) 3.00 GB 5.5
    Graphics ATI Mobility Radeon HD 550v 5.9
    Gaming graphics 2266 MB Total available graphics memory 6.6
    Primary hard disk …
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  • Compare Dell Inspiron Laptop vs Sony Vaio

    Compare Dell Inspiron Laptop vs Sony Vaio

    This post describes comparison between the new customized Dell Inspiron 14R Laptop, vs the Sony Vaio VPCCW26FG CW Series. The Dell costing around 37k INR vs the sony vaio costing at 56K but similar configuration is interesting. Let us see the detailed comparison between Dell …

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  • PyFacebook Download Python Facebook API Library

    PyFacebook is the official Facebook API Library written in Python. It is maintained in github, I have attached a snapshot of the master trunk zip file with this post.

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  • Improve Battery life of Nokia E series, while using WiFi

    Improve Battery life of Nokia E series, while using WiFi

    nokia e series phones

    Nokia E Series (E63, E71, 72) phones seem to drain the battery sooner than usual when the wifi is turned on and used, hence here I show how to reduce the transmit power of the wifi antenna so that the battery lasts longer. To read …

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  • How to make a Windows Gadget in Windows 7

    How to make a Windows Gadget in Windows 7

    This is an introduction to developing windows gadgets on the Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System. A windows gadget is a small piece of UI that floats around on your desktop. This is the version 2 of the Windows Sidebar which appeared in Windows Vista operating …

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  • Compare Canon Powershot SX120IS vs Canon SX130IS (New)

    Compare Canon Powershot SX120IS vs Canon SX130IS (New)

    Canon has launched its next version of the Powershot model CanonSX130IS. This can be considered a successor to Canon Powershot SX120IS. The new model has a 12x optical zoom and 12 MegaPixel resolution compared to the older SX120 with a 10 mega pixel …

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  • Which is better - Intel core 2 duo or dual core?

    Which is better - Intel core 2 duo or dual core?

    Intel core 2 duo vs dual corecompare Intel Dual core vs core 2 duo

    Both Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Dual Core processors have two cores. Launched in 2006, both Core 2 Duo and Intel Dual Core processors are developed on the new Core architecture. The Intel Dual Core version is stripped on version of the Core 2 …

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  • Sony Vaio F and CW series recalled due to heat problem VPCCW26FG

    Sony Vaio CW Series recalled Sony is to recall over half a million laptops of its CW and F series due to a potential overheat problem. This problem is due to a bug in the firmware of the Sony Vaio CW series and Sony Vaio F series laptops. Sony has … read on

  • Turn on Bluetooth/Wifi on Sony Vaio CW Series

    Turn on Bluetooth/Wifi on Sony Vaio CW Series

    Sony vaio comes preloaded with a utility called Vaio Smart Network, which controls the power status of the Wifi and Bluetooth radios. This is enabled only when the Wireless button on the laptop is turned on. So in order to turn on Bluetooth or Wireless, …

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  • Installing Putty SSH Client on Nokia E63

    Installing Putty SSH Client on Nokia E63

    Installing E63 ssh
    This post is about installing an SSH client in Nokia E63 (E63 ssh) with a Symbian S60 OS (3rd edition).

    Download the Putty client for Symbian S60 from SourceForge at this link, download it from your E63 mobile browser or transfer it to your …

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  • Compare Nokia E71 vs E63 Smartphone

    Compare Nokia E71 vs E63 Smartphone

    Nokia E63, E71, E72 etc are business type phones (or blackberry like) introduced by Nokia. Main features are full QWERTY keyboard and a long battery life. However there are some key differences in between Nokia E63 and the E71. These are

    FeatureNokia E63Nokia …
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  • Select random rows from a table in MySQL

    In order to select a random row from MySQL, we can order the rows by a random number and then pick the first row.

    SELECT * FROM node ORDER BY rand() limit 1;

    The above query randomly selects a row from the table node.

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  • Google search goes social with Social Search Results - The Facebook effect ?

    Google search goes social with Social Search Results - The Facebook effect ?

    The following is the screenshot of Google Search result page when searched for something my friend has blogged on.

    Google Social Results

    Is google moving towards a social networking side ?

    Google is slowly adding the "Social" aspect to all its products. After launching Buzz on Gmail, "Social …

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  • Perl Script to check Google pagerank

    In order to find out a Google Pagerank of a webpage, we can use the WWW::Google::PageRank module in Perl.

    Click WWW::Google::PageRank to download the Google Pagerank module. Here is a simple script that takes the Website URL as a command line argument and prints the …

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  • Change or Increase font size on Eclipse IDE

    Change or Increase font size on Eclipse IDE

    I have a Sony Vaio CW Series laptop, and it supports a high resolution of 1600 x 900 pixels in a small 14 inch screen. The pros of this resolution is to have more screen space for editors or IDEs such as Eclipse. The bad …

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