Archive for 2014 - Page 1

  1. Fix Always open a file type with a program on MAC

    Fix Always open a file type with a program on MAC

    The obvious way of choosing the default program did not work, kept me wondering what is wrong. Apple is not known for this. Right click a file Open with Other, choosing a program, check Always Open With and Open, for some reason does not work. …

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  2. Updating your iPhone to iOS 8 Beta

    Updating your iPhone to iOS 8 Beta

    Apple has released the beta versions for iOS8 and MAC OS X (.10) at WWDC announcement yesterday for developers. To download iOS8 Beta, you must be a registered developer at Apple (or be a part of a team that has developer account). iOS 8 installation

    To download …

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  3. IOS 7.1 iPhone GPS always on fix

    IOS 7.1 iPhone GPS always on fix

    After iOS 7.1 update, the GPS arrow was always visible and draining battery considerably. Lets see how we can find the iOS application responsible for this and take steps to stop it. To stop GPS being always used we can turn off GPS in Location …

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